

A blog about photography

Thoughts & Musings

Alone in Amsterdam due to COVID-19

A blog about photography

Everybody knows about the Coronavirus by now. Or COVID-19 if you want to use the technical term. Every country is dealing with this virus differently. In the Netherlands, there is a semi-lockdown. This means that we are allowed to go out, but not with more than 2 persons together and we need to keep 1.5meter (6 feet) distance between us and everybody else (except your household).


Given that everybody (or almost everybody) stays at home, the streets of even the busiest cities are completely empty. Even Amsterdam! Normally Amsterdam is packed with people. Locals, tourists and everything in between, but at this time, you’re alone. This gives us, photographers, the chance to photograph scenes with no people, which isn’t possible otherwise.

Another advantage of being alone in Amsterdam is that you can stand everywhere without people bordering you, standing to close to you or being in your spot when you want to photograph something.

Even the most popular spots are empty. And that’s the way it should be. Yes, I have been out and about to photograph these places, and we are allowed to go out, but stay away from other people and #stayhealthy

For these photos I have been able to loan a lens from a Dutch magazine called Zoom (https://zoom.nl/). These photos are taken with the Nikon 14-30mm F4 S lens for the Nikon Z system. This lens is nothing short of amazing. I'll write a review of this lens shortly and will post it here.